Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Dining!

When Brian and I moved into our house last September, we kind of ran out of steam when it came to certain parts of the house. So, we have been working extremely hard on our house this summer trying to complete some of the bigger projects before the baby arrives.

Shortly after we moved in we tiled our kitchen with help from my Uncle Tyler. This is tile I purchased when I lived in my condo in Topeka and never ended up using. No one was happy about moving them to a storage unit and then here, but I liked them and knew we could use them here!

This kitchen tiling project ended up being much more difficult then we expected. We ended up having to raise the cabinets ever the fridge because the fridge was too tall for the opening after the tile was in! We of course wouldn't have even thought of this, but that is why we had Tyler there! Brian and I ended up liking the new height so much we moved the cabinets up on the other side as well. All in all, we are extremely happy with the way the kitchen came out and owe Tyler BIG.
Here is a picture of the finished kitchen:

So, being the realistic people we are, we know a carpeted dining room + kids = disaster. Brian is a carpet shampooing fool, but this would drive us both nuts! We had tile left over so we decided we would just extend it on out into the dining area. Because I couldn't do quite as much this time around, David and Angie Frigon came out to help speed the process along.



Again, Brian and I are really pleased with the way the dining room turned out and are glad David and Angie were able to help. Tiling is definitely a LONG process, but having a couple of other hands to help cut and lay the tile helped tremendously. On the other hand, Katy isn't a huge fan of the new floor. It is like watching a scene from Field of Dreams as she sits on the edge of the carpet not wanting to cross over to the tile. She will just have to find a new racing track!


Hays Family 5 said...

Nice tile. But how much tile did you purchase? No wonder your people were unhappy about moving it into storage!

Great blog....can't wait for more!


The kitchen and dining room.

Katie said...

Looks great! That's a big project!
(Seth tiled our kitchen (just in time for us to move) and it took forever to be done!)