Monday, September 28, 2009

First "Real" Outing--Day 1

We have taken Logan to the pediatrician, Target, and to my parents' house, but we considered this past weekend his first "real" outing.

Day 1--The weekend started on Friday night when we headed to Salina. Every year about this time my Great-Grandma Touslee heads to Texas for the winter months. Because this is really the only time my family ever sees her, we all gather for a visit. This was obviously the first time she has ever seen Logan, but this is the first time Logan has met anyone on this side of the family. We were only there Friday evening, but it was a nice visit. I don't get to see my Grandma Karen (my Grandpa couldn't make it) or my Uncle Tyler's family very often, so I really enjoyed it.

Here are a few pictures from Friday evening...

Logan's Great-Great Grandma Touslee
5 Generations...My Mom, Me, My Grandma, My Great-Grandma, and Logan

My Brother and I

My Uncle Tyler's Daughter, Tristyn


Katie said...

Wow!! How cool is it that Logan got to meet his Great-Great Grandma?!?!